Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. It's officially summer (in the northern hemisphere anyway). Which summer month is best and why?   I am going to go with June.  Right now it's warm but not cook you from the outside in hot! I am also happy with the garden and all the flowers. 

2. Can you swim? How did you learn? June 27th is National Sunglasses Day. How many pair do you own?  I can swim.  I took lessons as a child.  I can't remember not being able to swim.  I own one pair of sunglasses.  That pair stays in my car. 

3. What characteristic do you judge most harshly in yourself? How about in others?  I am not really harsh about myself.  I have come to accept myself and not get worked up about things I am not "perfect" in. Years ago, I would have said my weight but now....not so much.  I just don't care what others think.  I guess some people would think I am a bit loud.  I am not the meek, mild and quiet type! I have good friends and they accept me for who I am.  As for other people, I have to say laziness bothers me.  I don't care much for people that are pure lazy as in- too lazy to take a shower and wash their clothes!  Too lazy to take care of their children- change their diapers and wipe their faces.... you know the type I mean? 

4. Robert Frost wrote the now well known poem entitled
The Road Not Taken. What's a road (literal or figurative) you've always wanted to travel, and where do you hope it takes you?   Honestly, the road I am traveling right now is a road I have always wanted to take.  I am a home schooling mom.  I take care of our home and raise our children. I am married to the best and hardest working man I know!  No one can take his place in our lives and I am loving the road I am taking!
5. Popsicles-yay or nay? If you answered yay, what's your favorite flavor?  I am in the nay camp.... I may have only liked them when I was a kid....then just maybe....
6. Brexit-on a scale of 1-10 how knowledgeable are you on what's involved here? (1=very knowledgeable and 10=what's Brexit) Is this news you'll follow or is it something you think won't impact your life in any way shape or form?  I am in the upper scale.  I know about it and have followed it in the news but I am not going to concern myself with it right now.  I honestly don't know how it will play out in the USA.

7. Share a favorite song on your summer play list.  I don't have a summer playlist.  I don't listen to music unless it is from the kids devices or on the radio.  There isn't a particular song that comes to mind.  I have a radio on in the kitchen all day long.  I turn it on in the morning and off right before bed.  It is tuned to a local Christian music station.
8. Insert your own random thought here.  I have been keeping my cucumber plants watered (they take about 1-1.5 quarts of water a day) and they are really producing some terrific cukes!  I am really happy with these hanging vines.  I picked 5 cucumbers off them on Monday!


  1. Great post! I am happy that summer is here and often find this time my most productive growing period! So happy you are enjoying the homeschool process! It really is wonderful!

    1. Thank you for stopping by! I think that summer is one of the best times to just relax and brain drain. :-)

  2. Yes, I know the type and it drives me crazy! Well said on the road you are on. I'm on a similar one :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Have a great day!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you for taking time to comment today. Enjoy your day!

  4. Thank you for leaving a comment. Enjoy your day!

  5. I'm being encouraged by your cucumbers. I have three big pots of them on our deck. They are loaded with blossoms, but no cukes yet. I'm waiting (sort of) patiently.

    1. Those blossoms will probably become cucumbers and you will hit the mother load of cukes! Please let me know how they turn out and how the flavor is. Some of ours will have a bitter bite or two in them. I am not sure if it is because they are in a planter or the type- Space Master.

  6. I'm being encouraged by your cucumbers. I have three big pots of them on our deck. They are loaded with blossoms, but no cukes yet. I'm waiting (sort of) patiently.

  7. I love cucumbers. Do you make pickles? I look forward to growing something once we're in the house. Enjoy the 4th!

    1. I have made pickles in the past but my family doesn't eat that many pickles. 😐 We usually eat them in salads or with a creamy sauce on them. Enjoy gardening in your home!


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