Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What title would you give this current chapter of your life? What Day Is Today?  I have been busy and I have actually asked this question and checked my phone to see the date too many times to count lately.  I go to the calendar everyday to see what is going on that day and to plan for the next day. It will get better...I think? :-)

2. December 6 is National Microwave Oven Day. Who knew? Besides popcorn and coffee reheats, what's the most common thing you microwave? Could you get along without a microwave?  I can easily get away without a microwave because we don't have one. We haven't had a microwave for quite a few years.  I don't miss it one bit.  I had a hard time softening butter but I have learned how to do that with the toaster oven or actually put it on the counter to soften. I wrote about it before. If you have any interest in reading why check it out.  People still look at me funny when I say that we don't have a microwave.  They just don't understand how we can "live" like that!  HaHa!

3. If you could insert yourself into any Christmas carol and experience the lyrics in real life, which Christmas carol lyric would you choose and why? The Christmas Song....I would like to roast chestnuts over an open fire! Don't know why but it just seems like it would be fun!

4. Describe the most beautiful drive you've ever taken. I would say driving on our road after a heavy snowfall.  Sometimes the trees are absolutely beautiful! I posted some pictures from March that you may enjoy!

5. What's something on your Christmas list this year? (an actual list or figuratively speaking, either one) Personally, I'm not a gift-y person so trying to come up with a gift to ask for is hard.  I have so much and I honestly don't need more stuff! However, I did see a water bottle and tumbler from Pioneer Woman that would be nice to have.  I like to drink out of pretty cups, mugs and tumblers!

6. Insert your own random thought here. Tomorrow marks our 21st wedding anniversary.  I am amazed at how God has blessed us through those 21 years. Thank you Jerm for walking beside me through it all.  Lots of love and happiness to another 21.


  1. Happy anniversary!

    I love Pioneer Woman's line of dishes! Too bad I don't need them. :) I was eyeing her big pourable mixing bowls the last time I went shopping, but then I remembered my tiny kitchen and kept walking.

    1. Thank you!
      I like all PW kitchen items. They just make me smile!

  2. I check my phone 3 or 4 times to see what day it is. Happy anniversary!!

    1. Thank you! I'm happy to read I'm not the only one checking the date! 😀

  3. Happy anniversary!! I enjoyed reading your answers and absolutely loved your #1...What Day Is Today? Perfect for me too!


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