Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Day at the Lake

   This weekend was a beautiful- sunny and comfortably warm with no/low humidity.  Our family went to a local lake to meet my brother's girlfriend's parents.  Did you follow that?  Her parents are so sweet. We had a delicious lunch before going down to the lake to ride the boat.  I am not a big fan of boat rides but I have gone before and it has been fine. This time was not the day that all would be fine.  I am not sure if age is becoming more of a factor or the lake was just too choppy but I couldn't handle it.  It was just too much for my stomach.  I tried to use a motion sickness remedy but it didn't work. I had to go back to the dock.

   Jeremiah was able to stay and enjoy watching the kids try to water ski for the first time, they weren't successful, but had fun trying. They also rode on a raft that was pulled behind the boat.  I am so glad they got to spend the afternoon on the lake.  Madilynne and Ryder both enjoy swimming so when they came back to get more drinking water, they jumped off the dock and swam around in the lake.  I spent the afternoon watching the boats go by with my mom and step-dad.  We had a good time too- on solid ground! My mom gets worse motion sickness than me.

   I hope everyone is enjoying these last few weeks before fall. The temperatures will cool down and school will start soon.  Enjoy each day and the blessings found in them!

1 comment:

  1. Although you had motion sickness, it still sounded like a nice time. I am looking forward to fall and the changing of the seasons, smiles. Blessings


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