Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Let's talk holiday decorating. On a scale of 1-10 where do you fall? (1=Scrooge and 10= Clark Griswold). What's your favorite corner-room-table-space to decorate? Is it done?  I USED to be a Clark Griswold but now...not so much.  When the kids were little, Jeremiah and I went all out decorating.  We did most of the house.  However, as time went on I have drastically changed my decorating habits.  It is just too much extra work for me right now.  I am not into it as I once was.  Each year depends on my energy level and amount of excitement I have for decorating.  I don't think I will do much this year.  The tree is up and so far that's all....

2. Is there a nativity scene in your decorating somewhere? Post a picture or, if it's special to you in some way, tell us why. Or do both-it's Christmas!  I have a beautiful nativity scene.  It is very simple in design but is very fitting.  I do not have it up yet.  I think I will get it out this year, maybe.

3.  Do you live in a social neighborhood? If so are you glad? If not do you wish you did?  Many of my neighbors are my family... We are social for sure. 

4.  As the saying goes, 'there's no time like the present'. How does that ring true in your life right now?  It is ringing true here.  I don't spend a lot of time thinking about the future at the moment.  We are living day by day and enjoying it.  Each day is a gift and I want to savor it.  Today I will be keeping my baby nephew.  He is 9 months old now and I honestly can't believe how fast the time has flown!  It seems that a blink ago he couldn't even roll over and now he is crawling and getting into everything!  I love it and it helps to keep me grounded!  My own babies are teens so I truly miss this wonderful baby stage!

5. Do you dread Mondays? Why or why not?  I am one of those people who dread Mondays.  I think I have always dreaded Mondays.  I am not a schedule person so when Monday rolls around I have to leave the carefree weekends go...

6.  Poinsettia, Christmas Cactus, Amaryllis-which on the list is your favorite holiday plant? Are any of these on display in your home right now?  I will say Christmas Cactus but the Poinsettia is very close...  My Christmas Cactus is in bloom right now.  They are so lovely.  When I decorate, I like to use Poinsettias. 

7. Share a favorite quote from a Christmas movie.  I don't think I actually have a favorite quote but one our family uses is: You'll shoot your eye out with that thing!  from a Christmas Story.  I will assume that it isn't the actual direct quote but close.  I will also state that I am NOT a fan of that movie but it has some really good one liners in it!  :0)

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
   Today Jeremiah and I celebrate our 20th Anniversary. We were high school sweethearts who were engaged on Christmas Day then married two years later with a Country Christmas wedding. December 7 is Pearl Harbor Day so many folks don't choose to marry on that day but it was also my Pap's birthday.  We decided that it was ok to chose that date.  We even mentioned Pap's birthday on the wedding program.  He is gone now, actually passed away on Christmas Eve many years ago, but all our grandparents live on in our hearts and memories.  In reference to question #4; live in the present and enjoy every day you are given. Plan for the future, but don't obsess about it; remember the past and learn from it.  We never know how many of days were are blessed with.  Have a blessed day and enjoy it to the fullest.  God is good- all the time!

After re-reading #8, I think I hit random on that!!!!  I am very scattered with my answer!  Have a good day anyhow!  ~smile~


  1. I don't like schedules either. However, I am finding that I really need to develop one to follow. I am behind in everything.
    I love your answer to number 8. It is very heartfelt.

  2. Happy anniversary! I enjoyed reading your HP answers today. A Christmas Story is one of my favorites, probably because of the one-liners and also because of so many similarities to my childhood. I can identify with lots of it, having grown up in the 50s. Happy Wednesday!!

  3. Happy Anniversary! Great post. I enjoyed the new Dolly Parton Christmas movie. But, who wouldn't want to be the mother of a boy with a bunny suit on! Oh and I love the Christmas cactus too.

  4. It was fun reading your answers to the Hodge Podge questions! This was my first time taking part in the Hodge Podge and I really enjoyed it. Have had fun reading around at some of the other blogs, including yours. Happy 20th anniversary, too!

  5. Happy Anniversary. It was fun reading your Hodgepodge, and nice that I'm finding many more bloggers joining in. Those babies do grow fast, and yet I remember at the time those dangerous crawlers were not so easy. Wonderful that you live so close to family. Many of us have families who are spread apart by many miles. Have a good weekend. - Judy


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