Thursday, May 19, 2016

Homeschool Convention

   We recently attended a homeschool convention and I always enjoy going.  Our goal was to leave around 7 am but it was closer to 7:30 until we left.  It is several hours drive away from home but- oh so worth it! It is a two day event and you can really soak up curriculum choices and listen to some great speakers. 

   Our goal was to look for a new Science curriculum for Madilynne and a new History and Geography curriculum for both kids.  I was amazed at how many choices there were!  Madilynne found an Astronomy course that she thinks is going to be great.  She also found a history course that really looks interesting. Ryder decided that he wants to continue with his current History and Geography curriculum.  I will write more about them later.

   One of the nice things about attending a convention is that they have special pricing for attendees.  I saved a considerable amount of money and received free shipping on items purchased there so I didn't have to carry much around.  I snagged some catalogs from companies to consider for the following year!

   We came home excited to wrap up this school year and prepare for next year. I am happy to finally have all the classes lined up. 

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome. When we homeschooled we used a wide variety as well...smiles


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